2018 DeRuyter Fireman's Fair
Thursday August 9th Tromptown Run
​Team Information:
Teams may be entered in the 5K and Half marathon and can be a combination of a 5K and Half Marathon participant.
Also each person can be in more than one team combination.
Team Categories:
Masters Husband/Wife
You may team up with another runner for competition in any of the nine categories. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE IN THE SAME RACE. You may both be in the 5 KM or both in the Half-Marathon or one in each race.
Top five awards for husband-wife and father-son, top three in the remaining categories.
Team individuals and their combinations must register by U.S. mail or register on race day at higher team entry fee.
DO NOT try to register online for team combinations please use the printable form.
We use standardized time scores divided by actual time to determine an efficiency percent.
For example:
Father-Son team Standardized Actual Efficiency Percent
Win (father,67,H-M) 77:57 94:12 82%
Jerry (son, 45, 5 KM) 14.12 17:30 81%
The combined percentages (in this example - 163%) are used to rank the teams. If 163% was the highest then this team would place first.